different rules for software
the software industry operates as if rules and conventions of quality, disclosure and liability under which other industries operate should not apply.
before i rant, let it be known...
i am opposed to the get-ourselves-out-jail-free nature of
end user license agreements for
several reasons. further, i reside in maryland which passed
UCITA which all but grants the software industry immunity.
affect, and
gripe log to do something about these issue...
sybase has
threatened to sue reseach security firm
next generation security software if it disclosed security holes in a sybase database software package. NGS disclosed the flaw to sybase first, planning to go public only after a patch/update was released.
unlike the apple-blogger case which involved
leaked propietary trade info, sybase simply doesn't want the flaws in its products to be publically disclosed.
the software industry should at least admit flaws and/or defects, let alone be held liable for these flaws and defects.