the wacky funsters over at the perpetually struggling apparently have never met a democratizing moment they couldn't undercut....
Twisted "Cedar" -- As crucial elections approach, the Lebanese opposition is divided about its next move. Are these differences merely tactical -- or could they plunge Lebanon back into chaos?salon archives reveal a litany of negative articles about the iraqi elections
"An explosion waiting to happen" Iraq expert Amy Hawthorne discusses the possibilities -- but mostly the pitfalls -- of Sunday's elections. (01/29/2005)you might think (...i'm crazy, to hang around with you...) i've picked stories to prove my point, but those are all the relevant articles at salon...
Vote and/or die -- [must've slipped through: mentions bombs but also one positive iraqi] (01/29/2005)
The view from Morocco -- ...a kaleidoscope of hope and failure, promise and despair. (01/29/2005)
Ballots and bombs in Baghdad -- ....The biggest question in Iraq: Is voting worth dying for? (01/29/2005)
The next hurdle to democracy -- Although Shiites are the majority in Iraq, they remain deeply split....(01/31/2005)
Democracy taking root? (01/31/2005) [comparing iraqi elections to s vietnam elections]
More ballots, more bombs (01/31/2005)
The Kurds take Kirkuk -- Election Day was jubilant for Kurds returning to the oil-rich city. But if rivals question the vote, they might call in reinforcements (01/31/2005)
A proud day in Iraq -- At crowded polling places in Baghdad, excited citizens explain why they voted and how -- for one day, anyway -- hope suffused their country. (01/31/2005)
The heat is on -- Expectations for what Mahmoud Abbas can do for the Palestinians are high, but will he be able to deliver? (01/11/2005) [a valid point though]orange revolution - salon was a bit late picking this story up, with skimpy if sunnier coverage
"I want the whole of Palestine, from the river to the sea" -- Palestinians elect Mahmoud Abbas as their new leader, but some refuse to take part, fearing he will give everything away. (01/10/2005)
Democracy inaction (11/30/2004) [contorts to connect Ukrainian election fraud to US election 'fraud']afghan elections coverage was stunningly inadequate - perhaps due to prez debate coverage
Where democracy refuses to die (12/01/2004) [actually pretty positive]
Fresh start for freedom (01/24/2005)
Coping with warlords and votes delivered by donkey -- "organizers fear violence and hope for legitimacy" (10/04/2004)i suppose there wasn't too much to nitpick with ukraine or afghani elections. but i believe ignoring the act of omission is telling but i believe ignoring afghanistan and ukraine is a telling act of omission
news/blog links - kinja - technorati - daypop - blogdex - boing boing - fark - metafilter - memeorandum - watching america - lucianne - instapundit - best of the web - oh, that liberal media - kaus files - daily kos - talking points memo - wonkette - scott rosenberg - mozilla - bugmenot - avg anti-virus - ad-aware |