
Thursday, March 10
  new doctor who

i became a fan of doctor who thanks to my TiVo picking up midnight airings on my local pbs affiliate. i'm partial to tom baker's fourth doctor with pertwee's third a close second.

when my friend read that first episode of the new bbc series had been leaked, my friend 'secured' a copy for curiousity's sake.
(some spoilers to follow)

the title sequence remains faithful to some of the classic series openings.
christopher eccleston's portrayal of the doctor is solid, but may suffer from the same comparison issues that coincide with every new doctor. he continues the self-deprecating tradition but appears a bit more condescending than usual at one point in particular.

billie piper certainly is fetching as rose. while her character is the typical showbiz device to introduce the audience, she wasn't solely the damsel-in-distress as she proves proactive on several occasions.

as far as the visuals and effects, they alternated between good and not-so-good.
other observations:
its unfortunate no US outlet has picked it up yet considering the networks picked up such sci-fi classics as meego and a show called homeboys in outerspace...

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