
Tuesday, April 12
  accident-insurance hijinx

the continuing saga of my car accident (follow link for pix)

the initial insurance info i had for the other driver turned out to an expired insurance policy. at that point, i was resigned to having my insurance cover the damage with me paying the deductible, hoping my premiums wouldn't rise.
my insurance company's assessor came up with an estimate of ~$5000.

but, after tracking him down (and applying some of my spanish linguistic skills), i got the other driver's updated insurance info. i drove the busted-up car to an approved shop and dropped it off the middle of last week.

monday i received a phone call informing me that the insurance company considered my car a total loss! for a 2000 Honda Accord SE...with only 35,000 miles...that i was able to drive to the shop...would require repairs of ~$10,000....mind-boggling!

my main concern is having to accept a car not-exactly-equivalent-to-mine (considering the low mileage) as a replacement.
i'm going into the shop tomorrow to consider my options.

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