knee-jerk lefty Josh Marshall attempts to make a point about the Republican party being outta control rule breakers. he cobbles together the bolton nomination, the judicial filibuster issue amongst many lefty hobby borses to try to illustrate his point.
"The only problem is that both Houses of the United States Congress have operated for more than 200 years by the committee system, which says that that logic isn't the one we follow."except of course when it doesn't--budgets, trade agreements, war authorizations...partisan purposes...
"[Y]ou see a leadership...which wants to win every time at any cost and is pretty much indifferent to the existing rules if they get in the way"i suppose when one is a partisan on a losing side, merely winning is too much to ask
"[T]he Republican party is becoming an anti-constitutional party. They're not comfortable with the rule of law -- inside the Capitol or out."the constitution calls for "advice and consent" regarding judicial nominations...the "filibuster" is not granted in the constitution, merely the right for each legislative body to set its own rules...and those rules allow for changes...
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