
Friday, April 1
  premature 'shark jumping' calls

i'm a fan of the site jump the shark, but i think it contributes to a gotcha mentality. any time something happens which some dislike, they pounce as if the show no longer works.

the amazing race is a show long overshadowed by survivor, american idol and the apprentice. yet with a solid and building audience, amazing race broke through with a few emmy wins over those higher profile shows along the way to becoming a solid nielsens performer.

yet the last coupla seasons, critics have been quick to point to not-so-nice behavior by specific teams as possible tipping points towards declines:

- jonathan baker's mistreatment of former playmate wife victoria fuller promted a backlash / questions, a dr phil special, even a blog in response
- this season, survivor couple rob and amber's tactics have prompted similar complaints

competition isn't always neat and tidy...seeing the good and bad of human behavior is part of the package.

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