
Friday, April 22
  UN a sum of its parts

the UN Human Rights Commission essentially deemed the current US actions--several court cases have been filed, access by the Red Cross--as sufficient to not require a fresh UN probe. but, the story behind the headline 'UN Rejects Bid to Probe Gitmo Treatment' illustrates one of the problems with the UN in general. some of the 8 countries voting in favor of the failed resolution raises issues: Cuba (which championed the effort), China, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

why are some of these serial human rights abusers even on the Human Rights Commission? China and Cuba have atrocious records on political dissidents. the Sudanese government's role in that country's turmoil is undeniable. and while not necessarily a human rights violator, the recent election of Mugabe in Zimbabwe looks suspicous at best.

while the goals and ideals of the UN may be noble, ultimately it is the sum of its member nations. unfortunately, many of these nations (including the US occassionly) do not necessarily behave in ways to fulfill those goals and ideals.

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