
Monday, May 9
  bringing home the bacon

surprise, surprise, surprise! another poorly constructed ny times article [bugmenot login]. this time it's an anti-corporate piece implying drug companies are cheating on their taxes.

there are simple explanations which seem to elude the 'experts' consulted in the article. (btw, these experts include wall street analysts who as a group loved worldcom, global crossing, enron, etc--basically companies that were doing real financial they aren't necessarily spot-on in their analysis)

i'll use pfizer for illustrative purposes. [for the purposes of full disclosure, i am currently a pfizer shareholder]summing up my admittedly scatter-brained argument (i'm listening to howard stern in the background), the US operations take on much of these expenses, leaving huge profit centers abroad as much of the revenue generated falls to the bottom line

[updated for formatting and clarity]

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