
Tuesday, May 17
  crime enabler ebay

ebay has it too easy.
there have been and still are loads of wacky and sometimes illegal items up for auction on the site including human organs and an unborn child.

despite proclaiming "zero tolerance", the company appears to really have more of a 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' policy:
"The San Jose-based company has no system to spot questionable offers, but relies on users to notify them when they appear on the site, [eBay spokesman Kevin] Pursglove said."
of course, selling stolen goods via ebay can also happen. a maryland women found some items--stolen from her house--an engraved ipod and a laptop on ebay [bugmenot login]

while the police tracked down the nogoodnik, i believe ebay should take a more proactive role, especially in blatant cases where simple keywords could raise a red flag (human trafficking, weapons).

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