
Monday, May 16
  media-public discrepancy

editor and publisher refers to a survey demonstrating journalists and the public have wildly different views.
on the media:
- "Six in ten among the public feel the media show bias in reporting the news..."
- "More than 7 in 10 journalists believe the media does a good or excellent job on accuracy -- but only 4 in 10 among the public feel that way."
on sourcing:
- "[A] solid 53% of the public thinks stories with unnamed sources should not be published at all."
- "The survey showed that 74% of journalists and 89% of non-journalists said one should question the accuracy of news stories that rely on anonymous sources."
on political affiliation:
"[T]he journalists reported picking Kerry over Bush by 68% to 25%. In this sample of 300 journalists, from both newspapers and TV, Democrats outnumbered Republicans by 3 to 1 -- but about half claim to be Independent. As in previous polls, a majority (53%) called their political orientation "moderate," versus 28% liberal and 10% conservative."
there's a bit more in the article, but three words come to mind: out...of...touch...

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