
Tuesday, May 3
  newsflash: michael moore isn't always truthful

playing a victim and crying censorship from the man helped michael moore make a lot of money. and michael moore, much like his movies, was very liberal with the facts
"On the Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD, Moore says he resolved to get the film seen in America 'by hook or by crook.' His hook was censorship.
On May 5, 2004, the New York Times ran a front-page article headlined 'Disney Is Blocking Distribution of Film That Criticizes Bush' The story included the sensational charge that Eisner 'expressed particular concern that [choosing to distribute Fahrenheit 9/11] would endanger tax breaks Disney receives for its theme park, hotels and other ventures in Florida, where Mr. Bush's brother, Jeb, is governor.' The source for this allegation was Moore's agent, Ari Emanuel. Two days later, Moore claimed on his Web site that Disney's board of directors rejected Fahrenheit 9/11 'last week.' In fact, the Disney board had not made such a decision in 2004—the project had been vetoed in 2003.
Moore's excursion from reality proved a boon at Cannes. [emphasis added]
Michael Moore 2, Truth 0
"Disney, in honoring this deal, paid Moore a stunning $21 million. Moore never disclosed the amount of his profit participation. When asked about it, the proletarian Moore joked to reporters on a conference call, 'I don't read the contracts.'"
so actually, the score was Michael Moore $21 million, the 'unbiased source'/agent ~$2 million, Truth 0

expect similar shenanigans for his upcoming Sicko

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