
Tuesday, May 10
  reality used to be a friend of his

vermont independent/socialist congressman bernie sanders needs a better grasp of the facts. (link found through howard stern's website)

i'll chalk his error to "2004 inaugural" instead of 2005 as a typo--that can happen to anyone. but unfortunately, sanders veers way past typos to mischaracterizations (at best) and half-truths:but sanders all but admits (like rangel voting against his own bill) the disingenuousness of his own argument when he writes "If Stevens and Barton have their way..." since there is no widespread support to broaden indecency enforcement outside broadcast media. both the former fcc chairman michael powell and current/incoming(?) kevin martin ("Even Commissioner Martin has acknowledged that the FCC probably can't police satellite radio...") say the fcc has no standing in this area.

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