
Thursday, May 26
  rubin still overrated

further proof that robert rubin is a bum....his default position when he became a public servant was to bail out his wall street buddies with taxpayer money....continued his chumpy ways when he intervened on scandal-ridden enron's behalf....

now he suggests the democrats do nothing to address social security's looming insolvency/bankruptcy. the most telling line:
“Putting out a Democrat plan on Social Security would be a horrible mistake because right now it’s the president’s principles against our principles,” Rubin said, according to a Democratic leadership aide. The aide added that Rubin told his party colleagues that it would be hard to win a battle of specifics. [italics added]
of course, kneejerk lefty leader of lemmings josh marshall demonstrates thorough confusion:
"In discussing this question, one must always come back to the simple fact that the Democrats especially shouldn't come up with a concrete plan when the president himself still hasn't put one forward."
but then says
"That has to be the case as long as Republicans are still sticking to their principles of private accounts and sharp benefit cuts for the middle class."
which is it? is there a plan or not?

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