
Thursday, June 16
  media missing on missing persons

usatoday examines the separate-and-unequal media coverage of missing persons cases.

a 24 yr old went missing a year ago with little media coverage.
Now, the disappearance of Alabama high school student Natalee Holloway, 18, in Aruba is getting lots of airtime on the cable news networks and morning news shows. Those networks, which drive such stories, are being asked a tough question: Do they care only about missing white women?
Holloway, like "runaway bride" Jennifer Wilbanks, murder victims Laci Peterson and Lori Hacking, kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart and several other girls and women whose stories got significant airtime in recent years, is white.
Tamika Huston is black.
unfortunately, Tamika Huston went missing while black, which apparently doesn't warrant the same attention among news media.

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