
Monday, June 27
  supreme court goes out like a lion

several big rulings just before the supreme court adjourned.

- two seemingly contrasting opinions regarding ten commandment displays on government property. essentially, the display cannot have overt religious undertones (as the kentucky display apparently had). however, if the display contains sufficient legal and historical context, they are allowed (as in the texas display). basically, expect some more cases as there is enough 'wiggle room' for interpretation.

- the SCOTUS (great acronym) also refused to hear the anonymous source case involving Judith Miller, Matt Cooper and Valerie Plame

- in a case closer to my heart, the supreme court held p2p companies can be held liable if their networks were basically set-up to aid copyright enfringement. this upholds the landmark sony betamax case by still requiring a "substantial noninfringing use" many p2p networks don't appear to have.
i suppose the free ride may be less free...

- while not a ruling, the biggest political news could be the lack of expected retirement(s).

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