
Tuesday, June 28
  true but hard to prove

amd filed an antitrust lawsuit against intel. the register provides an effective summary and analysis regarding the amd opteron. despite being demonstrably better than intel's server product,
"It did everything the business world demands of the smaller player by taking more risks and moving more nimbly than its giant rival.
More often than not, you'd expect AMD's moment of brilliant execution to produce lavish rewards."
the amd opteron remains unable to break 10% market share in servers. amd alleges intel 'pressures' vendors (the RLX story in the reg's article depicts such behavior) and essentially uses cash to hold off amd.

the reg speculates wrt amd's motives
"[AMD] knows this lawsuit will drag on for years, but perhaps AMD sensed, the time was right to put more than benchmark performance pressure on Intel. Maybe AMD wanted Intel to be looking over its shoulder for the next two years, making sure salesmen aren't too aggressive and that vendors aren't receiving too many perks."
amd could be using the lawsuit as a tactic to make inroads.

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