
Friday, June 10
  two different pictures of iraq capabilities

as much coverage there is of iraq, i've seen little 'first-hand' accounts in the MSM.

an article in today's WaPo paints a grim picture for prospects of iraqis assuming responsibility for security. a pair of (brave) reporters leave the relatively comfy confines of the green zone to relate the situation as they see it in a northern iraqi town. the problems are manifold: americans haven't granted the 'respect' iraqis expect, iraqis expect equipment equivalent to american soldiers (so would the rest of the world), low morale, cultural issues, etc.
The reconstruction of Iraq's security forces is the prerequisite for an American withdrawal from Iraq. But as the Bush administration extols the continuing progress of the new Iraqi army, the project in Baiji, a desolate oil town at a strategic crossroads in northern Iraq, demonstrates the immense challenges of building an army from scratch in the middle of a bloody insurgency.
meanwhile the blogging brothers at iraq the model provide compelling first-hand accounts of life in iraq. the citizen-journalists relate some of the positive progress derived from operation lightning thus far including arrests/captures, discoveries of weapons
Generally speaking, Baghdad looks quieter these days and I hope that operation lightning would extend to storm all terror nests after Baghdad is well cleaned as was planned previously.
I recall that the most pessimistic researches estimated the number of militants by 200,000 and that there are other 5 million supporters and sympathizers...but anyhow when we look at the other side we find 22 million people standing against terrorism and working to build a democracy.
Do you know who's going to be the victor?
It's not a very difficult question, eh?

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