having attended washington university in st louis, i realized it was a fine institute of higher learning. however that #12 ranking in the best college rankings seems a bit high.
every once in a while, that "freedom to innovate" campaign which maintains
"Microsoft must have the freedom to innovate and to improve our products"hits a pr snag.... who knew it'd be this often?
after alotta lobbying, CAFTA passed the house by the slimmest of margins. since it previously passed in the senate, it only awaits the president's signature.
every once in a while, pro-tv articles are trotted out to demonstrate some positives involved with tv viewing.
companies often tout testimonials and/or case studies to promote their products. microsoft is no different. microsoft's case study of GoldQuest serves as one example.
apparently, payola never really goes away...
it appears microsoft's promises to improve product tend to get undercut by reality.
- the family of a fallen US soldier suffered an act of vandalism less than 24 hours after burying US Army Pfc Timothy Hines Jr. 20 US flags given to the family were placed in a pile under a car and burned.
"Whoever set the fire used about 20 flags that were given to me by friends," Jim Wessel said. "If it wasn't random vandalism, what statement were they trying to make?"
The 20 flags were replaced with more than 200 by Saturday afternoon. The flags came from family, friends and neighbors.
"This was not a 'function'....A function is a dinner or an awards ceremony. This was my brother-in-law's funeral."
california governor arnold schwarzenegger's ambitious reform plans were dealt a blow when a california judge essentially barred proposition 77 from a special election ballot later this year.
"There are two flat tires on the reform Hummer," said [Steve Maviglio, spokesman for democratic assembly speaker], referring to the governor's fondness for the large sport utility vehicles. "We are not going to be there to pump them back up."smugness and dismissal remains higher on the priority list than the legislative process becoming more responsive to the voters.
while some wacky gov't officials were enforcing obscure lame rules in toronto, some in quebec are trying to delay compliance with the canadian supreme court decision banning the ban of private health insurance, despite overwhelming support of health care providers.
toronto city officials forced canadian Miss Universe Natalie Glebova to remove her sash and tiara in order to comply with an obscure bylaw "against activities which degrade men and women through sexual stereotypes or exploit their bodies to attract attention."
when the justice department scaled back the penalty demands in a tobacco lawsuit, the usual suspects pounced on the bush administration as pro-business angle. of course, several of the articles didn't appear to focus on the fact this was to comply with some court of appeals rulings.
mlb pitcher kenny rogers turned himself in for the run-in with two camera men a while back. the strange think i noted was the fact that a news camera in was in the room during the booking...
blogging pioneer mickey kaus documents recent wackiness coming from hollywood moviemakers.
- thankfully, osama bin laden and terrorism have suffered a decline in support in parts of the muslim world. the findings of the report suggest terrorism and specifically suicide bombings meet more opposition lately, especially in countries which have suffered terrorists acts like indonesia, pakistan and morocco. i'm not sure about the wording of "confidence in bin laden", but the findings also touch on a belief in democracy.
a group with too much time on its hands--i mean, the Center for Science in the Public Interest requested the FDA mandate warning labels on sodas. of course, the industry dismisses the idea realizing that slapping a warning label on its own product invites the slippery slope to legal liability that befell the tobacco industry.
the internet archive remains one of the better resources on the internet, essentially tracking the history and evolution of the internet. however its efficiency in archiving has brought into the middle of a lawsuit.
i was always skeptical of the claim that hands free cell phone car kits would be 'safer'. the act of participating in a phone conversation was the primary problem, not the fact that a hand was engaged in the act.
In fact, it could make the situation even worse.
"Although this may lead to fewer hand held phones used while driving in the future, our research indicates that this may not eliminate the risk," warn the researchers.
"Indeed, if this new technology increases mobile phone use in cars, it could contribute to even more crashes."
regardless of the quality, sci-fi tv shows tend to suffer from a stigma which limit audience numbers and award recognition.
Such pure-fantasy elements, despite their creative use in exploring human behavior, seem to alienate some viewers no matter what. Not to mention awards voters....And some might attribute Sci Fi's rare 2003 Emmy win for best miniseries to the executive producer's name in the title of "Steven Spielberg Presents Taken."aside from the x-files in the mid-90s, sci-fi and/or fantasy shows enjoyed strong but not especially large audiences.
in 2004, the number of cell phones passed the number of land lines, 181.1 million to 177.9 million. 6% of people have gone cell phone only. the trend will likely accelerate as young people drop land lines for cell phones.
Both T-Mobile and Cingular tout their investments in 3G data capabilities to match Verizon's headline grabbing EV-DO rollout, but outside the executive niche looking for embedded 3G PC adaptors, there is no market for such services. Last week T-Mobile Germany boasted that by breaking down the walled garden, ARPUs would blossom. But T-Mobile USA has touted budget, all-you-can eat GPRS for two years and it has few takers.
having already documented its unending skepticism of freedom around the world, the angry lefties at salon use the opportunity of 7/7 london bombings to bash bush and blair no less than 4 times.
it's been a bad bit of time for france: continued EU expansion along with NATO expansion dilutes its influence, double digit unemployment, EU rejection, and so on.
those words uttered during the 1992 vice-presidential debate remains among the most (in)famous in political lure. Retired Vice Admiral James Stockdale, Ross Perot's running mate, hoped those words would help depict the stark difference with fellow 'silver spoon' VP candidates Gore and Quayle. unfortunately, the moment proved the perfect opportunity for the inevitable snl parody, contributing to the failure of the one-time thriving Perot bid during the 92 campaign
During the Vietnam War, Stockdale was a Navy fighter pilot based on the USS Oriskany and flew 201 missions before he was shot down on Sept. 9, 1965. He became the highest-ranking naval officer captured during the war, the Navy said.he was one of the navy's most decorated officers with 26 combat decorations including the Medal of Honor. unfortunately, his distinguished career may be overshadowed by that one night.
Stockdale was taken to Hoa Lo Prison, known as the "Hanoi Hilton." His shoulders were wrenched from their sockets, his leg had been shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back was broken. But he refused to capitulate.
Rather than allow himself to be used in a propaganda film, Stockdale smashed his face into a pulp with a mahogany stool.
"My only hope was to disfigure myself," Stockdale wrote in his 1984 autobiography "In Love and War." The ploy worked, but he spent the next two years in leg irons.
After Ho Chi Minh's death, he broke a glass pane in an interrogation room and slashed his wrists until he passed out in his own blood. After that, captors relented in their harsh treatment of him and his fellow prisoners.
Stockdale spent four years in solitary confinement before his release in 1973.
barry bonds or roger clemens? the new england patriots (even without putin's super bowl ring) ?
policy makers and people in power must continue to address the problems of africa. the problems to overcome include disease, famine, poverty and corruption.
The administration said two weeks ago that aid to Africa has tripled since 2001; it plans to double the 2004 level to $8.6 billion by 2010.some good has been done, must continue to be done...especially to overcome the rampant corruption on the continent.
"Helping those who suffer and preventing the senseless death of millions of people in Africa is a central commitment of my administration's foreign policy," Bush said recently, with British Prime Minister Tony Blair at his side.
Bush has sought $15 billion over five years to combat AIDS, mostly in Africa. On Thursday, Bush called for spending $1.2 billion to cut malaria deaths in half by 2010 in Africa.
Africa also is prospectively the largest beneficiary of a Bush foreign assistance initiative that rewards countries that are led by effective governments.
michael graham comes up with a spot-on satire suggesting how the modern day media may characterize another george w's war.
Philadelphia, the American Colonies, July 4, 1776 — Leaders of the self-described “American patriots” movement gathered in this Pennsylvania city today to sign an official declaration of their political intentions, despite widespread criticism of a failing war policy and complaints that their military action was launched under false pretenses.the entry is good from beginning to end.
LeMoore was referring to what patriots call “The shot heard 'round the world,” when colonial forces fired on British soldiers in violation of accepted international rules of military engagement.
Supporters of George Washington and the so-called “war for independence” dispute claims from the antiwar movement that their actions are unlawful, and they point to their formal “Declaration of Independence” as proof.
Critics quickly noted the hypocrisy of Jefferson's reference to “unalienable rights” of liberty and the author's own record of slave-ownership.
the usual solid romenesko round-up regaring the plame leak case. special prosecutor patrick fitzgerald may be overzealous in his investigation,
But some in the press have been equally as willful. Liberal editorial pages were among the loudest in demanding that a special counsel be appointed to find the leaker. And only many months later, when Ms. Miller was in the dock, did New York Times editorials finally get around to admitting that the leak might not even be a crime. Their partisan loathing for Mr. Bush caused these editors to overlook the risks even to their own reporting self-interest.had many in news media not been so single-minded to find 'the bad guy' in the bush administration, the cherished use of anonymous sources would not be remotely in jeopardy.
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