
Wednesday, July 6
  Who am I? Why am I here?

those words uttered during the 1992 vice-presidential debate remains among the most (in)famous in political lure. Retired Vice Admiral James Stockdale, Ross Perot's running mate, hoped those words would help depict the stark difference with fellow 'silver spoon' VP candidates Gore and Quayle. unfortunately, the moment proved the perfect opportunity for the inevitable snl parody, contributing to the failure of the one-time thriving Perot bid during the 92 campaign

the death of Mr Stockdale prompted my interest in his life story.
During the Vietnam War, Stockdale was a Navy fighter pilot based on the USS Oriskany and flew 201 missions before he was shot down on Sept. 9, 1965. He became the highest-ranking naval officer captured during the war, the Navy said.
Stockdale was taken to Hoa Lo Prison, known as the "Hanoi Hilton." His shoulders were wrenched from their sockets, his leg had been shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back was broken. But he refused to capitulate.
Rather than allow himself to be used in a propaganda film, Stockdale smashed his face into a pulp with a mahogany stool.
"My only hope was to disfigure myself," Stockdale wrote in his 1984 autobiography "In Love and War." The ploy worked, but he spent the next two years in leg irons.
After Ho Chi Minh's death, he broke a glass pane in an interrogation room and slashed his wrists until he passed out in his own blood. After that, captors relented in their harsh treatment of him and his fellow prisoners.
Stockdale spent four years in solitary confinement before his release in 1973.
he was one of the navy's most decorated officers with 26 combat decorations including the Medal of Honor. unfortunately, his distinguished career may be overshadowed by that one night.

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