
Thursday, August 18
  how much for that video game console in the window

for the record, the last video game console i bought was the sega genesis in the early to mid-90s. once they went beyond the A-B-C buttons, it was too much for me to handle.
however, given the magnitude of the market (and investing implications), i try to stay on top of the business.

in a bid to actually make the xbox division profitable, microsoft plans to step up the pricing of the nextgen xbox 360 with 'core' version for $300 and a bells-and-whistles version for $400.

in an intersting twist, a company planning a potential competitor to the xbox 360 raided the microsoft-xbox executive offices. infinium, which has promised the "phantom" game console for several years, hiring an executive from a company notorious for vaporware smacks of irony.

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