a brilliant (that's so british) 16 year old developed a novel way to charge his cell phone. Peter Ash hooked his pet hamster's wheel to a charger to get 30 minutes of talk talk for 2 minutes of hamster wheel time. the most interesting thing
Surprisingly - and considering all the current moaning about falling exam standards, etc, etc - Ash only got a "C" for this contribution to his GSCE science course and, undoubtedly, a clean-energy future for all our children.what does someone have to do to get an "A"?
news/blog links - kinja - technorati - daypop - blogdex - boing boing - fark - metafilter - memeorandum - watching america - lucianne - instapundit - best of the web - oh, that liberal media - kaus files - daily kos - talking points memo - wonkette - scott rosenberg - mozilla - bugmenot - avg anti-virus - ad-aware |