
Monday, August 15
  PETA PR pratfalls

the person/people behind PETA's public relations should perhaps follow the example of David Seldin.
when an organizations tactics cause more backlash than positive feedback, a change in strategy ought to be in the works.

PETA's latest campaign attempts to equate the plight of animals to blacks, native americans, essentially any 'oppressed' group. similar to some gay marriage advocates, PETA appears to seek a sense of shared victimhood to advance its cause.
However, officials with the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People aren't buying it.
"PETA operates by getting publicity any way they can," said John White, an NAACP spokesman. "They're comparing chickens to black people?"
PETA officials apologized this year for a campaign that compared the suffering of Jews during the Holocaust with that of factory animals.
the lameness of PETA knows few bounds

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