
Tuesday, October 4
  the biology of lying

liars apparently are 'wired differently' [bugmenot login]

the October issue of British Journal of Psychiatry publishes a study revealing possible anatomical structures which liars tend to possess.
People who habitually lie and cheat — pathological liars — appear to have much more white matter, which speeds communication between neurons, in the prefrontal cortex than normal people, the researchers found. They also have fewer actual neurons.
Lying is hard work, and these brains may be better-equipped to handle it, the researchers said.
"Lying is cognitively complex," said USC psychologist Adrian Raine, senior scientist on the project. "It is not easy to lie. It is certainly more difficult than telling the truth. Some people have a biological advantage in lying. It gives them a slight edge."
i imagine some lawyer will try to use this as a novel defense in criminal case.

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