
Thursday, October 20
  gun control myths

abc's john stossel disputes the myth that gun control reduces violent crime. some of the highlights:
First, criminals don't obey the law. (That's why we call them "criminals.")....The study found that what felons fear most is not the police or the prison system, but their fellow citizens, who might be armed.
asking former democratic candidate for president
What if it were legal in America for adults to carry concealed weapons? I put that question to gun-control advocate Rev. Al Sharpton. His eyes opened wide, and he said, "We'd be living in a state of terror!"
In fact, it was a trick question. Most states now have "right to carry" laws. And their people are not living in a state of terror. Not one of those states reported an upsurge in crime.
stossel is a compelling 'contrarian' news guy

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