some in the media, like blink counter dana milbank [bugmenot login] and obsessed chris matthews, act as if joe wilson has some credibility:
It was once said that history is a lie agreed upon. Joe Wilson has told enough lies. He doesn't need any help from the ibd editorial tries to set the record straight, and disabuse people of several myths
There it was, on Page A3 of Tuesday's edition, an analysis by Post staff writers Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus, claiming: "Wilson's central assertion — disputing President Bush's 2003 State of the Union claim that Iraq was seeking nuclear material in Niger — has been validated by postwar inspections."i have a feeling the facts don't necesarily matters when there's 'a story'...
What Bush actually said was: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Africa, not Niger. The "claim" was not made by Bush, but by British intelligence, and Bush said Hussein had only sought yellowcake, not that he had succeeded.
Both a bipartisan report of the U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence and a British investigation of prewar intelligence have confirmed that when Bush uttered those famous 16 words in a 5,400-word State of the Union, his statement was "well-founded" based on intelligence that was then, and is now, credible. [emphasis added]
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