slate's john dickerson looks into 2004 kerry campaign documentary 'inside the bubble' (check out a vid), still seeming befuddle by kerry's loss...
"There are some amusing and entertaining moments, but there is little in it to explain why Kerry lost—no inside scoop from his senior advisers or much insight into the man himself."that is why kerry lost...
"But alas, the film doesn't get much from him on Kerry the man. "
"After the swirl of the campaign is over, [kerry campaign worker] Loftus is interviewed and offered as a sage to pinpoint the Kerry team's one great weakness. 'What was the overarching point of the campaign?' he asks. 'I don't know what the hell it was … I don't know now. I lived it for 11 months, admittedly intoxicated and exhausted and strung out from cigarettes and arguing with the press and sappers and the whole thing. I don't know. That's a problem.' That is a problem, even when the guy saying it isn't your tactician or strategist. But the filmmakers shouldn't expect Loftus to play analyst—especially after lampooning him."
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