
Saturday, October 15
  nytimes silence is deafening

the ny times has given itself/earned several nicknames over the years, most dealing with its eminent position in the media. however its position on the web has been undercut by its archive policy, likely worsening with its ridiculous timesselect subscription program.

nevertheless, 'newspaper of record' with 'all the news that's fit to print' has been relatively silent about judy miller's involvement in plamegate.
although i agree with john tierney's assessment
Time will tell whether Tierney's commentary in his "Nadagate" column will hold up. He wrote: " looks as if this scandal is about a spy who was not endangered, a whistle-blower who did not blow the whistle and was not smeared, and a White House official who has not been fired for a felony that he did not commit. And so far the only victim is a reporter who did not write a story about it."
the public editor byron calame calls for an overdue change [bugmenot login].

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