the last coupla weeks of the howard stern show have been a tough listen...
That was the lowest total for Stern in years, and possibly decades, given his long and successful career.i suppose stern and sirius can take some solace in the subscription bump for that pay service. 'better late than never' as there hadn't been much of a boost till now.
Yet Stern now looks like a dead weight, at least for WJFK. Among all stations in the Washington market, WJFK fell from fifth place to eighth with adult listeners during daytime hours (6 a.m. to 7 p.m.), the most listened-to period of the day. The decline can largely be blamed on Stern, since the station's other daytime personalities -- the Junkies, Don & Mike, and the syndicated Bill O'Reilly -- drew nearly the same or slightly better ratings compared with the preceding three months.
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