
Tuesday, October 11
  where's all this anti-americanism

now-former german chancellor Gerhard Schroeder will step aside for germany's first female chancellor Angela Merkel. schroeder wasn't able to rally to victory with his trusty anti-american platform, with merkel vowing to improve relations with the united states.

the german elections remain the latest in a series of international events disputing the notion of rampant global anti-americanism.
the re-election of australia's john howard and tony blair (albeit with a smaller majority) prevented the loss of strong US allies. the votedown of the eu constitution (granted, more due to its own ridiculousness rather than the US) prevents the opposing pole in global politics that chirac and schroeder craved. speaking of anti-americanism, chirac is in trouble too.

hey, even terrorism is losing its luster in the arab world with sentiment towards america improving somewhat.

the only place i consistently see anti-americanism thrive are terrorist tapes, lefty-types and the MSM (i think that's redundant)...

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