the cia 'leak' investigation didn't paint many people in a good light....
But then, all this came at a time when the CIA division where Wilson's wife worked had an intense need to cover its rear: Remember — they were the ones who (along with every other intel agency in the world) had insisted that Saddam had WMDs — but no WMDs were being found.victoria toensing, a former chief counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee, catalogs the questionable role [bugmenot login]of the CIA in the whole Plame Affair: nepotism, unqualified agent, nonexistent oversight, it goes on and on. toensing sums up:
Having Wilson go public was very useful to the CIA, especially the division where his wife worked — because it served to shift blame for failed "slam dunk" intelligence claims away from the agency. To say that Bush "twisted" intelligence was to presume — falsely — that the CIA had gotten it right.
The CIA conduct in this matter is either a brilliant covert action against the White House or inept intelligence any case, the CIA is crippled going forward
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