former Director of the U.S. FBI Louis Freeh questions, in an opinion journal piece [bugmenot login], the 9/11 Commission for chiming on matters outside its scope
This self-perpetuating and privately funded group of lobbyists and lawyers has recently opined on hurricanes, nuclear weapons, the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel and even the New York subway system. Now it offers yet another "report card" on the progress of the FBI and CIA in the war against terrorism, along with its "back-seat" take and some further unsolicited narrative about how things ought to be on the "front lines."Freeh critiques the Commission due to its active suppression of able danger. Freeh effectively recaps the able danger story.
The 9/11 Commission gets an "I" grade--incomplete--for its dereliction regarding Able Danger. The Joint Intelligence Committees should reconvene and, in addition to Able Danger team members, we should have the 9/11 commissioners appear as witnesses so the families can hear their explanation why this doesn't matter.the 9/11 commission was supposed to be the final word, but it appears incomplete.
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