
Wednesday, November 16
  good news/bad news for TiVo

disclosure: i've been a dedicated TiVo user since 1999, a bit perplexed that it hasn't garnerer more of a user base.

'internet monitoring company' brandimensions conducts a dvr study which finds TiVo being attacked from both sides--current users and potential customers. however, at the same time, tv execs back TiVo's innovative pvr/dvr technology as increasing viewership.

TiVo is kinda stuck in a dilemma...
the 'early adopter' nature of the TiVo fan base may contribute to the first finding. these guys are on the leading edge. once happy with the technology, they now demand multi-tuner TiVo's and/or HD ready units to keep up with their AV demands.
on the other end of the spectrum, the 'mass market' may be happy with the simpler options offered by their cable companies. the crippled dvr tech may be good enough for their needs.

fortunately, TiVo has fans among the tv execs who tout the results of a study which demonstrate increased viewership, less commercial avoidance, etc. granted, its in their interest to stress these numbers to keep ad buyers happy.

"Nielsen Media Research will begin releasing data Dec. 26 on viewership that includes same-day DVR viewership and seven-day DVR viewership in addition to the current ratings numbers."
i've always been a bit skeptical of traditional nielsen ratings. tivo reports popular shows, actors, directors.

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