
Sunday, November 27
  kim jong il, media critic

north korea is a notoriously enigmatic country (particularly for one commentator), partially due to the lack of media access.

kim jong ill didn't appreciate a cnn documentary which includes footage of an apparent public execution.
"CNN is losing popularity as the days go by although it had high audience rating in the world in the past," KCNA said. Much upset by this, CNN staged such poor farce to improve its image."

In the process, the U.S. broadcaster has been "reduced to a trumpeter and a political waiting maid for the U.S. administration," it said.
mickey kaus chimes in with a paragraph which just missed the final cut
"Floundering tool Jonathan Klein thought tarnishing the democratic struggle of the Korean people would promote further his career and make up for failure of his overemotional pretty boy Anderson Cooper in the crucial 25-54 demographic."
talk about kicking a struggling news network when it's down...

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