
Wednesday, November 9
  meet the democratic candidate for president in 2032

anti-war darling Jimmy Massey has been debunked:
Former Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey was the liberal media's dream come true: An anti-war Iraq veteran who came forward to publicly lambaste the Bush administration and accuse American troops of murdering innocent civilians.

Jimmy Massey was Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and John Kerry all wrapped up into one tidy, soundbite-friendly package -- a poster boy for peace topped off by a military uniform and tattoos to boot. But like a lot of the agitators who pose as well-meaning, good-faith peace activists, Jimmy Massey was something else:

A complete fraud.
let's go over the checklist:
- military service
- across-the-board denigrations of fellow soldiers
- mis-remembering 'details'

expect the exploratory committee and trips to iowa and new hampshire...

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