continuing with that iraq sentiment bit from yesterday, the conservative-leaning washington times adds more detail to the pew research center mentioned in that prior poll. essentially reiterating the la times editorial
When asked whether they thought democracy would succeed in Iraq, only 33 percent of the journalists agreed that it had a chance. The number was even worse in academe -- 27 percent of respondents thought the effort would succeed. Among the military, however, the number stood at 64 percent.the washington times adds
Negative press coverage of the war in Iraq in recent weeks has emphasized rising pessimism among the American public about the conflict. But a new survey found that 56 percent of the public thinks that efforts to establish a stable democracy in the country will succeed.the times continues with details about the decision to go iraq and its effect on terrorism, detailing the lefty opinion of the media and academie with more positive views amongst the military and public in general.
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