
Thursday, November 17
  pot meet kettle

the last few days, howard stern has criticized rush limbaugh for a $49 gift subscription program for members in the military

howard got a hold of a clip from the ratings-challenged Countdown with that ex-SportsCenter ex-MSNBC ex-Fox Sports Net anchor back-with-MSNBC guy (i know that's a really unwieldy title) for fodder on his show: mark's friggin archive (scroll to "Keith Olbermann's New Fan - Howard Stern. 11/16/05. 10:10am") and/or stern's archive (3rd item in "TODAY’S SHOW COMPANION")

meanwhile, a Sirius subscription to listen to howard stern would cost nearly $250 a year--$13 for a subscription (for their car) and an additional $6 (subscription for home/work).
don't forget the pay-per-view service howard plans (No pricing has been set, although there has been talk of a $10 a month introductory plan.)

that's nearly $400 a year compared to the $50 plan which prompted howard's ire.
way to "line your pockets" howard --that's an inside joke among stern fans

in order to avoid credible criticism of hypocrisy...
i'm calling for howard stern to personally fund a discount program for policemen, firemen, or any group howard deems worthy of a subsidy.

i doubt this will ever happen...
$100 million a year doesn't go as far as it used to...

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