
Wednesday, December 28
  all in the 'family'

Phyllis Klingebiel needed a kidney due to a degenerative genetic condition. since no one in her biological family proved to be a match, she faced the prospect of years of dialysis while waiting for a kidney transplant.

navy man Mark Greshan stepped forward to offer his kidney.
"I'm forever indebted to this young man for this gift," Klingebiel told a newspaper, The Star-Ledger of Newark. "He's a walking angel on this Earth."
over the past 30 years, Klingebiel along with her husband Herbert took care of 67 foster children. Greshan entered the Klingebiel home at 7 years old, in their care for 11 years
"After six months, I knew this was my home," he said at the Klingebiels' house a day before the operation. "It wasn't 'foster child,' it was `son.'" (great idea for a website) serves up a picture of the happy mother and son

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