speaking of lame media...
The job boost is the latest evidence that the U.S. economy has shaken off the ravages of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the Gulf Coast and consequent higher gasoline and natural gas prices.but the NY Times mentions poll results [bugmenot login] suggesting bush does not get credit for the strong economy.
The government reported this week that the economy grew by a 4.3% annualized pace in the third quarter, far above the historical average near 3%. Other recent reports signaled strength in business spending, consumer confidence, new-home sales and retail sales.
An ABC News/Washington Post poll last month found that 52 percent of Americans believe that the economy is getting worse, compared with 18 percent who think it is getting better. Sixty-four percent of respondents said the economy was not good or poor. A Harris poll last month found that 68 percent of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track. Mr. Bush's approval rating last month for his handling of the economy stood at 37 percent in an Associated Press/Ipsos poll.perhaps it's because the times all but demands the president mention iraq when talking about the economy....
Moreover, Mr. Bush and his allies ignored or glossed over statistics suggesting that the economy, in the short run as well as the long run, faced big challenges.in a wacky article, which clearly opines
By most measures, the economy appears to be doing fine. No, scratch that, it appears to be booming.despite all the silly nicknames implying credibility, the NY Times continues its slanted/biased and questionable behavior.
But as always with the United States economy, it is not quite that simple.
For every encouraging sign, there is an explanation.
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