
Tuesday, December 6
  bad week for hillary

the ny daily news looks into $20 billion of 9/11 aid money secured by NY Senators Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer
So whatever happened to the President's promise, which was later increased to $21.4 billion? And, what happened to the money we did get? Did it go to those who needed help the most? Or did some of it end up lining the pockets of the wealthy, the well-connected and hucksters who played the system?

Four years after 9/11, it is time to lift the veil of our collective sorrow and examine without sentimentality or fear of political incorrectness what was done with the generous commitment underwritten by American taxpayers.
the results are "sad and disheartening." the NY senators who requested the money should have been watching, but instead alotta money went to pork projects, giveaways, and (all but) fraud.

this $20 billion doesn't even include standard anti-terrorism money, nor $7 billion in victim compensation, nor any significant progress at rebuilding Ground Zero,

to make matters worse for hillary, she gets heckled at a seemingly friendly event for her (politically motivated) hawkish stance on iraq

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