
Tuesday, January 31
  all mediabistro-tv newser post

- about my msnbc beating cnn prediction...maybe i shoulda said '3 months' instead of '3 years'
msnbc ties (and beats) cnn as they both go for fox news' scraps
(i realize its a demographic number, but i'll kick cnn when its down anytime)

- the ny daily news' Richard Huff (via media bistro) echoes my own befuddlement about jon stewart's outsized regard and acclaim
Try as I might - and trust me, I've tried - I just don't get Stewart. I don't think he's all that funny and he's vastly overrated.

I realize he's gotten loads of critical acclaim. And I understand my lack of appreciation for Stewart & Co. is sacrilege in TV circles.
- the really important news is the chance to see more of fnc's juliet huddy in a possible fox morning show]

if you can't tell media bistro runs a great behind the tv news site

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