
Friday, January 27
  bad days for wintel

with intel losing market share to amd, the wintel partnership in pc dominance fell on black days.

micro$oft chipped in with an underwhelming quarter of single digit revenue and earnings growth. surprisingly, the whipsmart strategy of jacking up the price and a shaky launch where even kids of m$ bigwigs have trouble getting it didn't help
But supply constraints dimmed sales. The paper reports that Microsoft sold only 600,000 in the first two months, compared to 1.4m of the original Xbox in the same time frame. Redmond planners had wanted to ship 2.75m consoles in the first three months, a target it will now miss by a mile.

the xbox shortage will continue for a few months

oh by the way, microsoft still has to deal with an increasingly huffy european commission. expect a ~billion dollar fine which gates&co can pay with money found in the couch cushions

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