corruption knows no bounds
a few things could cloud the GOP 'culture of corruption' narrative the democrats attempt to create.
primarily, revelations of possible democratic corruption like
louisiana congressman william jefferson. [you haven't heard about it? maybe because the
MSM hasn't it deemed it much more than a local story. imagine if it were a republican...] or any democrats ensnared in the abramoff scandal.
also, the barrett report investigating clinton cohort henry cisneros and the associated shenanigans (don't worry, even though he admitted to being a criminal, he was pardoned by buddy clinton). what you haven't heard this one either...? the MSM is
MIA on this one too
with the obligatory we-don't-like-independent-counselors (unless it suits our partisan purposes)
disclaimer every takes, the ny sun
previews the results of the 10 year long investigation. it chronicles stonewalling and interference which would reverberate greatly
no single party possesses a monopoly on corruption and abuse of power