the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has a coupla public roles: rating motion pictures and fighting movie piracy. the la times reports bugmenot login] (found via the uk register) a story dealing with both issues.
"If it's your job to stop people pirating movies, you should really be very careful not to get caught making pirate copies.... This week [the MPAA] admitted copying a movie, but effectively claimed it was above copyright law."the la times hits harder
The standard the MPAA is using for itself appears to be at odds with what the organization sets out for others: "Manufacturing, selling, distributing or making copies of motion pictures without the consent of the copyright owners is illegal," the MPAA's website says. "Movie pirates are thieves, plain and simpleā¦. ALL forms of piracy are illegal and carry serious legal consequences."the la times fills-in with some of the back-and-forth and legal stuff, but it all doesn't make the MPAA look good
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