
Friday, January 20
  less of the art, more of the entertainment

a&e goes ahead with a new show chronicling a classic mano-a-mano competition:
rock, paper, scissors

A&E shifted from the 'pbs on cable' network to a more broad audience with shows like dog the bounty hunter and rollergirls.
not that there's anything wrong with it...
A&E simply adapted with the television audience without sacrificing quality
Today, "Dog the Bounty Hunter," the network's most popular prime-time show, is averaging 1.6 million viewers....
"Cold Case Files," a documentary series about detectives around the country who use forensics to solve crimes, is averaging 1.5 million viewers, making it A&E's No. 2 prime-time show.
Backing up his claim, DeBitetto points out that A&E had 24 Emmy nominations last year, more than any other basic-cable outlet and the most in A&E's 21-year history.
What's more, the average age of A&E's viewer has dropped from 61 in 2003 to 51 today.
"Ageism is abhorrent to me, but having mostly 61-year-old viewers was a huge problem...."
certainly these changers are much better than the remake/recycling and dead horse beating which dominates show biz

those mini-marathons of 24 and the compelling docu-drama of flight 93 get me (althought the discovery channel special was even better)

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