
Saturday, January 28
  more nfl on tv

alotta money changed hands with the nfl tv rights shake-up awhile back
ESPN is paying $1.1 billion annually over eight years to broadcast the Monday night games. NBC has a six-year, $3.6 billion deal for the Sunday night package. CBS and Fox are paying a total of $8 billion over six years for the rights to Sunday afternoon games. DirecTV agreed to pay $3.5 billion for a five-year extension that runs through 2010.
now, the nfl itself wants to get even more outta money. the nfl network will begin to air primetime games this upcoming 2006 season.

- expect the nfl network to make the basic packages in cable line-ups--and the obligatory cable bill hikes.
- expect some (behind-the-scenes) grumbling by the tv execs who shelled out billions as the nfl essentially give it to itself for free.

update [01/30]: the nfl apparently turned down $300-400 million a year offered by comcast to air games on the increasingly less outdoorsy OLN

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