doomsaying predictions of 'all-out' civil war abound. while one pessimist assigned a 'civil war' label about a year and a half ago (less than a month ofter iraqis assumed sovereignty, and before 3 elections), the negative conventional wisdom remained a bit slower [bugmenot login] to galvanize.
MR. ROBINSON: But, you know, I'm not sure that the idea of maintaining a unitary Iraq is necessarily the best idea. I mean, is that ever going to work? Is Iraq ever going to be a stable polity, a stable country? And I'm not sure that it is, absent the sort of tyrannical rule that Saddam Hussein had imposed. I mean, you have the Kurds in the north, who see themselves as part of a larger kind of transnational, persecuted minority. You have the Shiites in the south, who see themselves ditto, as part of a larger, transnational persecuted minority. You've got the Sunnis in the middle, who used to run the country, who don't anymore. Is that a country? Can we leave that as a unified country? I'm not certain.seriously...
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