
Saturday, January 21
  people aren't plants

everyone failed young Haleigh Poutre...

the biological mother left her with an aunt and her husband to be with a boyfriend, her stepfather who viciously nearly beat her to death, the adoptive mother implicated in the crime (who later killed the grandmother in an apparent murder-suicide), the doctors who declared her to be in "a permanent vegetative state", and the legal system which granted the would be killer stepfather the legal opportunity to keep haleigh alive (so he wouldn't be charged with murder)...

there are so few little girls so let down by the people who were supposed to protect them...

despite the claims of 'permanent vegetative state', halleigh situation changed with positive signs
"There has been a change in her condition," said a [Department of Social Services] spokeswoman, Denise Monteiro. "The vegetative state may not be a total vegetative state."
i know the term is supposed to be medical and clinical, but i find the term 'vegetative state' offensive
apparently, so does conservative blogger michelle malkin who has complete coverage

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