
Wednesday, January 11
  pity the poor vultures

the bbc (via the uk register) reports on the impending doom of vultures caused by a cattle painkiller used in india
Conservationists say that the population of three species of Asian vultures has fallen by 97% in 12 years, and they are now at risk of extinction.
despite being particularly ugly, vultures play a role in the whole circle-of-life thing
Vultures have an important ecological role in the Asian environment, where they have been relied upon for millennia to clean up and remove dead livestock and even human corpses.
Vultures hold a critical position in the food chain and are renowned for their ceaseless scavenging.
if you're wondering how to spot an infected vulture
Early signs that the raptors are affected can be seen from the way they hang their heads down to their feet for long periods.
the indian government banned the drug diclofenac, suggesting alternative options.

disclosure: my particular disdain for vultures stems from a vulture-like infestation at my parent's house, only corrected by innovative measures

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