slate's summary of of newsweek and time articles about ariel sharon, acknowledge his landmark role in true peace process.
Time speculates about Israel's future after Sharon's stroke last week, asserting that "[h]is departure from the political stage has sucked the air out of the peace process for the immediate future." Newsweek echoes the sentiment: "A blood vessel bursts, and the course of history changes. The blood begins to suffocate brain tissue, and projections for war and peace have to be recalculated."it wasn't that long ago that lefty outfits (yes, even leftier than newsweek and time) derided president bush reference to sharon as "a man of peace". loony left adbusters (which strangely admits an agenda to "advance the new social activist movement of the information age" by "toppl[ing] existing power structures") dubbed sharon #2 terrorist in the world (squeaking by president bush)--osama, zawahiri and zarqawi must be devestated--in its jan-feb 2006 issue [talk about bad timing]. similarly, the rumor-mongering saddam-ite turned reality star george galloway fans at common dreams expressed similar disdain for the man most responsible for improvement of the peace process
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