
Friday, February 3
  911 is a joke

an enterprising young business man discovers some of his product was stolen.

suspecting a shady potential customer who had called earlier to confirm the goods in inventory, the young man called the police to report the burglary. after the subsequent investigation, the police locate the thief and the goods. to close out the investigation, the police asks the young man to come down to identify his product...
upon identification, they promptly arrest him. what happened...?

the 'product' happened to be marijuana and the kid turned out to be less than brilliant, according to utah's deseret news (via the register)

the police were surprised by the whole thing
"Even the dumb criminals are generally smarter than this," said Orem Police Lt. Doug Edwards
"He actually came and identified it as his," Edwards said....
"I have no clue as to why (the 18-year-old) would report this crime to the police," Edwards said, "but thank goodness that he did."
criminals don't always develop the best thought process

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